The one year anniversary of my blog coincides with May. Why am I saying this now instead of at the actual event? I am doing so for the following reasons.
1st, this is my 40th post. I considered writing many posts to make it my 50th, but, perhaps not. Maybe that will come around in time to help celebrate the actual anniversary, but I doubt it.
The 2nd, and real reason is this: My blog needs help. Renovations, updates, modernization, renewal. In celebration of this prestigious anniversary, this blog will be going under construction throughout the entire month of May; sooner if it happens sooner, but no later than the 31st of May it will be back up and running!
So, why am I telling you this? Other than being courteous to my readers, I want you to help! I would love your input on how to make this blog site easier to read and easier to use for you. So, please comment with your suggestions! It would be greatly appreciated. I'm aiming to make this the most convenient, easy-to-use, fun, and informative blog out there, but I can't do it without you. (Hey, have I made my point or what!)
Here are a few things I'm already considering adding or changing. You can vote on them. Just comment! And if I don't have something you think would be good, just say so!
1: A page dedicated to Prayer. If I do it, it would include my thoughts on prayer. It would also include people, things, cities, and countries to pray for, and more. I would also gladly take prayer requests.
2: Branch out on my current themes. Here's a question: Do you prefer my style of having set themes to talk about, with an occasional random post thrown in, or would you prefer completely random posts with occasional organization thrown in? Or maybe just more of the one, and less of the other, or vice verse'?
If I stuck with the themes, here are some examples of what I might consider branching out on.
A) Other cities and provinces outside of the U.S. Or at least other countries.
B) Scientific facts or archeology. Perhaps I might have guest authors do some of these considering the fact that science is not exactly my subject. However, I do occasionally run across some things I enjoy, and I do like archeology.
C)Book Reviews. This ought to be self explanatory.
3: A page with a running book-list. I've received many requests from people for good books to read. I could put the possible book reviews series on this page instead of the main page.
4: A page with stories I've written/am/will write. Not that I have too many, but you never know. (And yes, this is bolded and a different color because I added it later. I want you to see it, right?)
So, here are a few more questions for you.
1st: What are your favorite posts? Why?
2nd: What is your favorite series? Why?
3rd: What type of posts and series would you like to see more of? Why?
4th: What type of posts and series would you like to see less of? Why?
5th: Are there special features you've seen elsewhere that would make this blog more convienent? What are they?
6th: What would make you read this blog more often?
7th: What would you like the About Me section to look like? And would it be nice if I managed to get a recent picture of myself? instead of one from nearly five years ago?
8th: What would make you recommend this blog to others? And anyway what's stopping you from recommending this blog to others whether I make changes or not? =)Here are some things to keep in mind. I will not be compromising the general atmosphere of simplicity. I like it. =) So please keep your recommendations within those perimeters.
Also, I will try to post regularly, despite the construction. Just don't pay any attention to the odd things you may or may not see, unless I ask you to of course.
In a nutshell then, please...
Comment with your input.
Share this blog with others. This blog is on probation, still.
Once it's been revised, comment again with your revised input!
Sincerely Yours,
Source of Joy