"My father is the best, my father is the best, best in the whole wide world my father's best!"I love my dad so much. I really do think that he is the best. Best in the whole universe! (Beat that!)
When I was thinking about what I should say, I could only think how fitting it would be to talk about what is probably the top reason for which I admire my dad. (It was hard to pick though, there are so many things I for which I admire him)
Here we go then:
I honor my father because of his righteousness. 'Righteousness,' as he often says, 'is knowing the right thing to do, and choosing to do it, with the right attitude.' And here, I take the liberty of adding to that quote. Righteous is all that PLUS doing the right thing no matter what the personal consequences.
I have seen this evidenced in Dad's life many times over the years, both in his personal life, and his job. I remember one time when there was a big decision to be made. It effected both his livelihood, and his personal life. If he chose to give in to the pressures of his job and conform to what was being asked of him, his family and job would have been blessed with 'security.' Artificial, but, 'security' nonetheless. On the other hand, if he quit his job, he would no longer have an income, no longer have a place to live, and we would have no immediate place to go to.
Dad chose the latter option. Now, to some, that would have seemed dumb. But, I am so proud of dad for doing that. I love my dad so much for choosing not to compromise on his principles. For being consistent. For 'walking the talk.' I've seen him do such similar things all my life. Thank you Dad! It means a lot!
Well, I just love this post! And couldn't agree more!