
"But My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:19 (KJV)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Take-Away

Normally, I don't really like that term 'take-away.' I don't really know why. It's cheesy or something. But, for lack of a better term. Here is the take away from two awesome books I just finished. There will be a real review for these books on the Bookworm's Library Resources page. (One this week, and one next week) You'll probably be hearing a lot about books for a while. I'm in the middle of a very-little-fiction stage.

So, first. I just finished The Federalist Papers by James Madison, John Jay, and Alexander Hamilton. At the end of the book, in the appendices, I also read, The Declaration of Independence, The Articles of the Confederation, The United States Constitution, and the Constitutional Amendments up to Amendment 27. I must say, it was one of the best things I ever did. I 'took away' from it a renewed vision for patriotism. I absolutely LOVE my country. I am so proud to be an American. It was really neat to see how well the Constitution has worked over the years. We have not necessarily done everything, made every decision in keeping with the Constitution, but the Constitution has done what it was intended to do. These founding pillars of American policies and history, Hamilton, Jay, Madison, and the writers of the Constitution, had so much foresight.
The other 'take-away' from this book was a possible new-found love of political science. The book was fascinating. And if you knew me, that's saying a lot. Because while I believe in being a good citizen etc. I've never ever been one who enjoyed politics, current events, debate, law. At least, not very much anyway. But, it was just so interesting to see the explanation and reasons behind each part of the Constitution via The Federalist Papers. A review of this book will be posted this week.

The other book I just finished was UnPlanned, by Abby Johnson. Abby Johnson was the former director of a Planned Parenthood facility in Texas. She is now a prominent Pro-life leader. The thing I 'took-away' from this book was the way in which we can be misled. You can have all the right motivations, and still make the wrong decisions. It was a message that is always good to be re-enforced. The story of Abby Johnson is a clear example of what God can do with our wrong decisions. This book will be reviewed more fully next week. (Now, I'm in the middle of Joyfully at Home, by Jasmine Baucham. So, you might be hearing about that later on too.) Endure and enjoy with me!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sir Percy

We got a dog.

His name is Sir Percy, named for Sir Percy in The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orzy. Unfortunately, computer is still being lame and won't let me upload pictures. He's a male, sable, collie. 10 weeks old. We got him from a very cool family up in Bellingham.

He is...adorable. He's got a distinctively mellow personality. We've had him since yesterday. At the moment, he's sleeping. In fact, he's been doing that for the last many many moments. Hours. He's got a floppy ear, a very wet nose, and a propensity for following people around. (When he's awake.)

If you want to see pictures, ask me via email. If you want to see him, come on over!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Here a Little, There a Little

Because I just love random facts and I heard/saw/read a few really cool/interesting ones this week.

Boston, Massachusetts had trouble because of molasses twice. The first time, England set a Molasses Tariff. It contributed towards beginning the American Revolution. It isn't often that tragedy centers around food, but Molasses had it twice. In 1919, a storage tank of molasses located in Boston and holding over 2 million gallons broke. A 30 foot tidal wave of molasses, traveling at 35 mph descended on the town. Known as the Great Molasses Flood, 21 people were killed and massive amounts of property was destroyed. Just imagine trying to clean your house after that!

Alright, here's the other interesting thing.

I love all the old guys in our church. One of the fun things about them is their stories/anecdotes/experiences. Few Sunday's go past without at least one.

Mr. R__ was telling us this week about the time he was stationed in the Florida Keys. One of his jobs was to keep a lookout for waterspouts. A waterspout, Mr. R__ says, is one of God's most amazing creations, albeit pretty dangerous.

Watch this video, or some of it, and then I'll tell you the amazing fact Mr. R__ revealed!

Are you ready for the fascinating fact? Here it is.

When Mr. R__ sighted a waterspout coming towards the shore, he would contact the correct people. A submarine would be sent out in between the waterspout and the land. The submarine's job was to bump the bottom of the waterspout. Doing this would turn the waterspout's direction!!!!!! Don't you think that is one of the most cool things ever!?