Because I just love random facts and I heard/saw/read a few really cool/interesting ones this week.
Boston, Massachusetts had trouble because of molasses twice. The first time, England set a Molasses Tariff. It contributed towards beginning the American Revolution. It isn't often that tragedy centers around food, but Molasses had it twice. In 1919, a storage tank of molasses located in Boston and holding over 2 million gallons broke. A 30 foot tidal wave of molasses, traveling at 35 mph descended on the town. Known as the Great Molasses Flood, 21 people were killed and massive amounts of property was destroyed. Just imagine trying to clean your house after that!
Alright, here's the other interesting thing.
I love all the old guys in our church. One of the fun things about them is their stories/anecdotes/experiences. Few Sunday's go past without at least one.
Mr. R__ was telling us this week about the time he was stationed in the Florida Keys. One of his jobs was to keep a lookout for waterspouts. A waterspout, Mr. R__ says, is one of God's most amazing creations, albeit pretty dangerous.
Watch this video, or some of it, and then I'll tell you the amazing fact Mr. R__ revealed!
Are you ready for the fascinating fact? Here it is.
When Mr. R__ sighted a waterspout coming towards the shore, he would contact the correct people. A submarine would be sent out in between the waterspout and the land. The submarine's job was to bump the bottom of the waterspout. Doing this would turn the waterspout's direction!!!!!! Don't you think that is one of the most cool things ever!?
I love random stories like this! Doesn't it sound dangerous to bump the waterspout? Thanks Abigail