Once upon a time, there was a little girl who went to a great big place that was kind of like a party. At least, there were lots of people, so it must have been a sort of a party.
This party thing was in the middle-to-end of winter. So, just about everybody wore coats. It even snowed!
The little girl had a beautiful black coat with many distinguishing marks upon it. Such as a broken belt loop, a large collar, and important identification in the button-up pockets.
The little girl carefully placed her coat down with her brothers things, then she went off to mingle with the many people.
At the end of the day, the girl raced to the spot where her coat was, snatched it up, slung it over her arm, and raced to the car. You see, she was doing something else that night, and didn't want to be late.
So, she went home and had dinner, and then, she was getting really late, so she hurriedly put her coat on, and ran to where she was going; somewhere not far away.
A few hours later, she put her coat on again, and walked, more leisurely home. She had been home a few minutes when she happened to put her hand in her coat pocket; the one that was supposed to have her important identification in it.
Alas and alack! It wasn't there! She searched the other pocket, and then, she realized with a great shock, that this was not even her coat! What could have happened!?
She raced back to the place not far away, thinking that perhaps she had accidentally made the switch there. But no, the people there had never seen the coat.
With a sinking feeling, she realized that the switch must have been made at the sort-of party. And, said party could very well have be over.
Nearly in tears, (said important identification would have cost much money to replace) she went back to the party thing. There, she found with great joy, that not only was the party not quite over, but, the people knew what had happened. I had taken an acquaintance's coat, acquaintance had taken a mutual friend's coat, and mutual friend had taken my coat. What a mix-up!
Now, I have my own coat back. I think I am the only one of the three to have theirs back as yet. I still don't know what or how the whole thing actually happened. But, it just goes to show you what one small thing that one small person does can affect many people around.
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